About the Artist

As Byte T. Shark themself (yes that's my real name isn't it so awesome), I've been drawing ever since I could pick up a sharpie. The age I drew my first notable piece was the same as when I got my first personal computer: three. Drawing has been a mentally healing past-time and I adore the very process.

Tools of the Trade

I am solely a digital artist with only physical sketches here and there due to my art programs more than accommodating my chronic carpal tunnel. For my art, I use:


To be frank, the maturity rating on my website is to retain utmost freedom of expression, including in my art. My art may contain blood, gore, but nothing NSFW/NSFL. A lot of my art may be unabashedly cringe as well, so consider this a warning too. By clicking on any page, you consent to potentially seeing this content.

This page also uses lightbox2 by Lokesh Dhakar, which I could not have made it like this without it.