Website logo that says: 'The Shark Cave: My byte of the web.


Welcome to my website!

My name is Byte. I created this place to be my own corner of the internet, away from social media.

I hand-coded this site, aside from a few ethically borrowed assets and snippets. The Shark Cave is also responsive and should be viewable on any screen or device that supports html5.

The Shark Cave is only reccomended to visit for those 14+. While I will shy away from oversharing on here, I will swear quite a bit; as well as occasionally mention personal things.

The Shark Cave is also always a work in progress.


Past Updates:

6/19: made blog for when i ever feel like writing, as well as made some more css changes. updates will be a lot slower because my life is soon to get busier.

6/17: changed the font to basiic by Cinni due to MS gothic not showing for Non-Window's OS's, added links page, did some css changes. a small update, but still a good one imo.

6/16: deploy-to-neocities test. if we have this working, we'll be able to make updates a lot faster!

6/15: OH MY GOD I'M DONE WITH THE ABOUT ME PAGE!! TOOK ME 5 DAYS!! WARNING IT USES A LOT OF JS AND IS MADE FOR DESKTOPS SO DON'T OPEN ON YOUR PHONE UNLESS YOU WANT IT TO EXPLODE. also probably going to take a break from updating my website because holy shit that took a lot of time!!

6/10: haiii shark cave citizens. i added a music player; if you want to hear music i've chosen as "BGM" for my site, hit the play button on the player! thanks so much to odditycommodity for sharing their music player code, i couldn't have done it w/o their code.

6/8: added stamp marquee, got rid of landing page as i found it kinda unnecessary after a little of it's existence. right side bar exists now too. who knew i was capable of updating my site without entirely destroying and remaking it? :P


5/26: Wow, has it really been a month since I made this place? sorry for redesigning my website for a third time. truth be told, as a beginner who's constantly learning, the more i learn, the more i dread updates, as i'm also learning to do things more efficiently. the more my code ages, the worse it looks to me. therefore, i feel the need to overhaul everything entirely if i don't like something i did, even if i probably shouldn't do things that way.

5/8: whew, have i procrastinated on this site. i've done a few html/css 'sidequests' and l learned a bit more than i did beforehand. i'm aware this doesn't look much different but hey! looks better to me at least.

4/22: website rework from scratch baybee! nobody's seeing the originalđź’Ą

4/21: website inception (very much so in early stages, will work on at later date)